Sonica Ekrano
SONICA EKRANO is a documentary film festival dedicated to the music, musicians, sounds and movements at the edges of massification and popularity.
Dedicated solely to “other musics”, SONICA EKRANO allows access to exceptional films portraying artists, sounds, local and global movements, which often slip through the cracks of the wide variety of audiovisual media on offer in our present day - because history is still often created away from the spotlights of the media - in the present as in the past, where these histories sometimes lay dormant for decades until their (re)discovery.
The festival, held in Portugal, aims to provide an opportunity to watch cinematic works which remain (even in an age of digital platforms with on-demand content) hard to access, contributing to an increased audiovisual inclusiveness, striving to present a diversity of geographies and strike a balance between historical perspective and contemporary narratives.
The name SONICA EKRANO, written in Esperanto (meaning “Sound Screen” in English), seeks to reflect both music and cinema as “universal languages”, while also honoring the strong esperantist tradition in the south bank of the Tagus river, particularly in Barreiro, which has hosted the three editions of the festival thus far.
SONICA EKRANO also proposes live music shows, deep listening sessions and opening and closing parties - all different opportunities to celebrate cinema, music and being together.
The festival is organized by OUT.RA, a non-profit cultural association based in Barreiro, which also runs many other music-related projects, such as the yearly exploratory music festival OUT.FEST.
▷▷ One of Sonica Ekrano's favourite music films/documentaries of all time ?
“Swans: Where does a body end?”
▷▷ One of the most memorable screenings organized by Sonica Ekrano ?
“Sisters with Transistors”, in 2021, our first edition.
▷▷ The music film/doc the Soundtrack team would love to see being made ?
A documentary about Sei Miguel, a portuguese jazz/beyond jazz master musician.
▷▷ One music film/doc that didn’t get as much praise as it should have according to the Sonica Ekrano team ?
“Who Killed the KLF?”
▷▷ A music film/doc of your country you really enjoyed lately.
“Soa” by Raquel Castro.
▷▷ In one word what does the MFFN mean for you ?